Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Power outages protection devices

With 39% of downtimes attributed to power outages and an average cost of $687,700 per downtime, the need for seamless operations and mitigation of financial impact is urgent.

By integrating Infineon’s power monitoring offering, organisations can enhance operational resilience, reduce their carbon-footprint and achieve substantial cost savings.

The offering consists of an algorithm running on a digital power controller. Target applications include DCDC converters, ACDC rectifiers and IBC modules utilized in data centers, AI servers, GPUs, and telecom networks.

Power System Reliability Modeling acts as a bridge between component and system reliability. It enables real-time power supply health monitoring of the system and lifetime estimation based on dynamic system operating parameters, a power supply system model, and a reliability prediction procedure in digital power controllers by Infineon.

This ensures improved device utilisation and data-driven maintenance recommendations, translating into enhanced profitability and reduced Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

Customers benefit from real-time system diagnostics for their power supply as well as powerful system reliability-based decisions and quality assurance. The solution is easy to use and integrate into existing designs.

More at www.infineon.com/reliabilitymodeling.